Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Want Her To Wear Wool

My oldest daughter will be in 7th grade in the fall.  It’s too close for comfort.  It’s too close to high school.  We moved to Atlanta and had no other choice but to send our children to public school.  The few catholic schools in existence are packed to the gills with waiting lists to boot.  We are three school years in and it still doesn’t feel completely right but I guess it never will.  There is no doubt that they are receiving a stellar education, but the experience just isn’t the same.  Now all I can think about is my strong desire for Margaret to attend my alma mater, Cor Jesu Academy.  A private, Catholic, college-preparatory school run by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.  I need her to wear a plaid, wool uniform skirt and enjoy everything that goes along with that.

I want her to wear a hand me down blazer for First Friday masses that belonged to her 5’2” sister making each sign of the cross a possible Hulk like moment.

I want her to eat a warm chocolate chip cookie prepared by Rita that is as big as her head for breakfast.

I want her to have a friend like Renee Kostecki who will be brazen enough to give her a hair cut in religion class.

I want her to share a locker with Wendy Halbert who never used the combination, thank God, because I would have been locked out.

I want her to have Sister CaroleAnn Stackpole take her aside and tell her that she can forge her own way and not have to follow in her sisters footsteps.

I want her to eat lunch in a packed cafeteria and learn all of the cheers.

I want her to ride the bench for four years on the basketball team and have a coach tell her that she would be a starter if she went to any other school.  (Thanks for the lie Mr. Luna)

I want her to don white gloves and a robe and play the big donger in the hand bell choir and have a bruise on her clavicle for the whole run.

I want her to be in the constant presence of women who have dedicated their lives to Christ but clearly do not buy into the Vatican’s stand on women.

I want her to give a huge religion presentation and make two nuns laugh until they cry when they realize that all of her research was done at an evangelical library rather than a catholic library.

I want her to roll out of bed and step into the wool skirt that still lies right where she took it off the night before…..throw her hair in a ponytail and forget the makeup because no one cares.

I want her to volunteer to time swim meets, record softball games and time field hockey games with Jenny Fassler and find a creative way to get into the team picture even when she isn’t invited.

I want her to build character and maturity in a safe setting where everyone knows your name.

I want her to fear for her life when she walks into the library and has to face Sr. Teddy.

I want her to get the giggles in the chapel and have to fight her way through.

I want her to have Miss Kitts for biology and have her say, “Sex really isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.”

I want her to swelter in the un-air conditioned hallways and feel that 100% wool skirt scratching her legs.

I want her to eat lunch while the overwhelming smell of buffalo poop wafts in through the windows.

I want her to see Anheuser Busch Clydesdales in the fields every morning and appreciate the gorgeous view.

I want her to hang out with the nuns on a Friday afternoon and witness the wearing of the aprons and the volume turned up on Barry Manilow records. 

I want her to be recruited to enter the convent!!!  (Oh to think of what could have been?)

I want her to wear a ring that is unlike any other on the face of the earth. 

I want her to journey through adulthood and have CJ teachers, experiences, knowledge and friends echo in her mind.

I want her to wear wool.

I want her to wear wool.

I want her to go to Cor Jesu.


  1. OMG Rachael this is SO AWESOME!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you are blogging. GREAT MEMORIES SISTER!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for making me cry (a good cry). I want that for my girls, too, and I struggle with sending mine to public schools for the same reason. Every time I read the Spirit, I want to move back to St. Louis and send my girls to CJA!

  3. One of the reasons I am glad that Bird is would break my heart if he were a girl and I could not send Bird to CJ. I think it is an important sign that Bird's daycare/preschool is in a building that used to be a Catholic girls' high school.
